Taxi Transfer from Palma Airport PMI to Selva. Official Taxi Service in Mallorca

origin Airport
destination Selva
70€ Day (06-21h)
70€ Night (21-06h) & weekend

Take advantage of booking with

Competitive fares

Book Online: fast and safe

Private Taxi Service: No Car-Sahring

No waiting, no queues

Licensed Taxi first class service

Free baby seats

Know your taxi rate in advance

PLEASE CONTACT US FOR MOR INFORMATION Call or Whatsapp us: +34 611 16 46 43
origin Airport
destination Selva
70€ Day (06-21h)
70€ Night (21-06h) & weekend

Destination Selva

Selva is a charming town surrounded by a luxurious setting at the foot of the Serra Tramuntana, in Mallorca.

If you are looking for a vacation destination away from the madding crowd, we encourage you to walk the picturesque streets of Selva and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage that has to offer.

Travel with Taxi 24 Mallorca from Palma Airport to Selva. We have taxi transfer services with all the amenities so that you have a pleasant journey: air conditioning, comfortable seats, large trunks, drivers, friendly, gps …

 Mallorca taxi transfer Selva Palma Airport

Taxi transfer from Palma Airport to Selva

In recent years, Selva has become a meeting point for international tourism. Its small size and isolated location mean that most travelers do not realize that it exists as a place to spend their vacations.

That is why it is the preferred destination for those looking for a few quiet days in a beautiful and little crowded landscape environment.

In Selva it is worth admiring its church of San Lorenzo or the Cruz de Valella , one of the historical architectural pieces. On the cross you can still see some of the eight figures carved around its base: Santa Barbara, San Jorge and San Lorenzo.

Every Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. the weekly Selva market is held, where you can find all kinds of fresh products, flowers and handcrafted products.

Being located so close to the Serra de Tramuntana, Selva is ideal for hiking or biking through the mountains.

As important days, in mid-June, the Herb Fair is celebrated, a festival that lasts for two days and in which many activities are carried out that attract both tourists and residents of the towns close.

 Mallorca taxi transfer Selva Palma Airport

A direct transfer taxi service to Selva

Our taxi transfer service takes you to Selva directly from the port or Son Sant Joan de Palma de Mallorca International Airport – PMI .

Come to Mallorca and enjoy a few days of vacation in a town famous for its culture and the mountainous landscape that surrounds it.

Taxi 24 Mallorca has comfortable taxis, bicycle transport service, and large trunks so that you can take all the luggage you need with you.

And, if you are traveling with children, don’t worry because you can request up to 3 baby seats.

We take you on a trip in taxi through Mallorca Check all the destinations we have at your disposal!

 Mallorca taxi transfer Selva Palma Airport